Problem solved......I think
Revision on 04/19/13
Bessie from the Kane Center just called and said that they are able to get me in at Alexian Bros. on Thursday morning. She said that they have been unable to get hold of Anthem BCBS, and that was what the problem was. I said well thats funny, I called as soon as Michelle hung up, and I was able to reach not only Lisa, the girl who is working this case, but Theresa, the department head as well. I really think it was a screw up on the Kane Center office girls, I think when they made up the plans for me, they didn't read what the insurance company had said.
The only bad thing is that I have to be on clear liquids for 2 days instead of one.
Glad to hear it's working out. Clear liquids for two days is a small price to pay for what you are in for. Congratulations!
I'll share a quick little story as to what happened the day before I had my surgery. I rcvd a phone call from the hospital telling me that they had not received my payment of $24,000. and wanted to know when I would be in to pay. I about died! I had the letter that showed that I was approved for 80% of my surgery and the other 20% would be on me. I was so sick... I cried like a baby. I just knew that $24,000. was not an option. Then they called back and said it was a mistake on their part. Talk about a roller coaster ride. I can relate to what you've been thru today.
Hang in there.
Revision on 04/19/13
See.........I told you it would work out!
2 days is a breeze compared to the 2 weeks some RNY patients have to do. You can do IT!!!!!
You have come this far, and it makes a better memory with a bump or two in the road. Oh, if only things could be as easy as they seem!
Relax, take care of yourself, maybe a nice, relaxing
I will be thinking of you on Thursday and hope to be able to check in while I am away.

Lisa, I am so glad all worked out well for you and everything is a go for this Thursday! You'll be in my thoughts and prayers, as will all our Illinois family members having their surgeries in the next few weeks. We're gonna have to get a longer loser's bench! Via con Dios , my friend-keep us posted-Big hugs-Janet K