Tuesday Roll Call

on 10/15/07 11:04 pm - Rock City, IL
Good Morning Illinois!!!! I will start today....... I am at work today and tomorrow, then OFF TO FLORIDA!!!!!!  I will be taking the laptop from work, so I hope to be able to check in with you all from the beach. I am just working on getting Todd and I organized and packed, along with making sure that Amber and the "sitters" have up to date schedules and rules for the kids. Even though yesterday was my official wedding anniversary (15 years), we did not do anything special.  We sat out in the drizzle/rain last night to watch David play in the last 2 minutes of the Fresh/Soph football game.  Our aunt and uncle came out to watch him play.  I felt bad for them sitting in the rain for the whole game just to see David for 2 minutes.  They did not seem to mind too much. I can't believe all the approvals and surgeries coming up!  I am keeping everyone in my thoughts and prayers!  It is Lisa's turn tomorrow.  Stop by her surgery page and give her a bit of support! I am looking forward to being on the beach and all the seafood that will be available.  Not only do I love seafood of all kinds, but it has a ton of protein in it too! Gotta get back to work for now!  Check in when I can.........


Tell someone that you love them!

Lisa Tucker
on 10/15/07 11:38 pm - Streator, IL
Revision on 04/19/13
Good Morning Illinois, I am home today, so I can start the "cleaning process" and to pack a bag. In between times, I am kinda cleaning house. I have some files and things to put away, and some things to throw away. I am sure I will find other things to do today also. Everyone have a good Tuesday.  Lisa


Start Weight   330
Current          219    BMI 38  I am in the normal range!!!
Goal Weight  180


Janet H.
on 10/16/07 12:06 am - Golden Valley, AZ
Good morning Dawn and IL, I am off to the hospital today with my granddaugher ,she is having eye surgery today for lazy eye, not much else going on other than that, just waiting to hear for the drs office for my date, Dawn you have a great time in Flordia, how long will you be their? Lisa good luck tomorrow, with your surgery. hope everyone else has a great day on the wet tueday,

      Success begins with wise choices I make,I will not let noncompliance be my mistake, The surgery I had was to assist me in changes. My compliance is for a success long range, So I will think before I decide to cheat. Remember the goals I want to meet. For this surgery is not something I was force to do It was what I wanted for a healthy life!       



C. Richardson
on 10/16/07 12:55 am
Good Morning Dawn & IL - Great day if your duck!  Not a lot to report, jus the samo, samo going on.  Work and more work for me.  My boss will be gone the rest of the month so yiippee skkiiippee! Dawn -  Hope you and Todd have a fabulous time on your vacation!  Bring some sand and sun back!!  Lisa -  Wishing you a smooth surgery tomorrow. Hope everyone has a great Tuesday! Christina



Kim M.
on 10/16/07 1:28 am - Poplar Grove, IL

Good Morning IL~ I have the painter guy here today painting my foyer and hallway.  I don't have a ladder that goes that high!  I LOVE the color I chose!  It's a burnt mustard color!  You guys will have to come over and see it! 

I talked to Kelley, my lawyer yesterday and she said that I need to get her all my obgyn records, because having pcos will help to get approved.  She said that BCBS are very hateful people and she has had good success w/ getting approved w/ them.  She said that within 30 days she will resubmitt again to the insurance! Holy cats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I can't believe all the approvals and surgerys!  I will say a prayer for Lisa!  I am soooo excited for her to begin her new healthy life!  Besides Dee, has anyone else been having feet problems?  The bottom of my heels feel like my bone is going right through the skin!  I'm sure that weighing 209 has alot to do w/ it!!!  But my GOD!!!  They hurt like he**!!!  Enjoy the day and keep smiling!!!

C. Richardson
on 10/16/07 1:52 am
Hey Kim.. Good News from the layer.   I was supposed to have surgery on both of my feet in July because I have bone spurs on both feet and of course, I've put it off.  My feet are killing me and being on them at the restaraunt sure does not help matters.  My pediotrist told me the longer I put if off the worse it was going to be be and then I will have other problems.  You would think that would be enough to convince me to just do it. Wishing you good news soon.  I know the waiting game is really hard. Christina
on 10/16/07 3:16 am - Addison, IL
Good afternoon! I just got back from all my pre-op testing. I got into an argument with the x-ray tech about taking a pregnancy test. I was 100% positive that I  was not pregnant, but she insisted that  I have no idea unless I take weekly  pregnancy tests, I can never be sure. Well, turns out, I'm not pregnant. So that took an extra 30 minutes.  Anyway, Lisa, good luck tomorrow! I'll be joining you on the losers' bench soon! I hope you all have a great day!
on 10/16/07 3:32 am - Rock City, IL

Glad to hear that your pre-op testing went well. Do no be surprised if they have you take another test on Monday, before surgery.  Most hospitals require that ALL female patients having abdominal surgery be tested that morning.  I had to take the pregnancy test even though my tubes were tied 11 years ago!  Afterwards, my nurse practitioner came in and apologized saying that they should have caught the fact that I am unable to become pregnant, but it was really no big deal.  I guess better safe thansorry, but gee whiz!!!! I hope you have a lovely day and an uneventful surgery and speedy recovery.  I will be on vaction, but will be thinking of you and Marilyn too!  Is there one other?


Tell someone that you love them!

Lisa Tucker
on 10/16/07 4:00 am - Streator, IL
Revision on 04/19/13
LMAO, that is one test that they didn't do on me. I guess being over 60 has its advantages. Lisa


Start Weight   330
Current          219    BMI 38  I am in the normal range!!!
Goal Weight  180


on 10/16/07 4:02 am - Addison, IL
Haha. I basically told her, listen, if I'm pregnant, this is the second coming of Christ, and we are all in big trouble.
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