Hi Everyone,
I just got back from Dr. Office.
My for sure surgery date is Mon November 5th at St. Alexis Medical center in Hoffman estates. I am sooooooooo excited. I picked up the impact drink and my Lovenox shots at the [pharmacy. I also picked up a few cases of chocolate high protien Boost. CVS had it 50% off. I am just beaming from ear to ear with the anticapation of joining the losers bench. What a wonderful day. God has blessed me with so many wonderful friends and family. Looking forward to meeting some of you one day. Peace to all of you and I am praying for everyone.

I actually don' t mind it. I have the chocolate one, and it is a bit rich for my taste, but I am coping pretty well. I called the doctor's office today because I was really confused about the pre-op diet. I had no directions, no idea what to eat and what not to eat. Turns out I do not have a pre-op diet, and I can eat normally in addition to the Impact drinks...funny thing is, I don't have the desire to. I'd like to drop a few pounds before the surgery!