I Am So Excited But.....
....trying to restrain myself.
As I wrote last week, I had a 2nd interview for a HR Manager position at a company that I am very interested in.
Well after I got home on Friday, actually, just one hour later I got a call and asked if I could come back today for another interview (to meet 2 more managers) so of course I said yes.
Well today went very well, I thought, and I have another interview on Wednesday to meet witht he president.
I would have talked to him today but he had a death in the family and had to fly out of state to attend the funeral.
I did get a chance to meet him breifly and say hello but that's it. I see him Wednesday at 3pm.
I think this might just be the place for me! So please keep those fingers, toes, legs, arms, eyes, and whatever crossed for me.
Regards and hugs,

Revision on 04/19/13