Checking In
Wouldn't you know it... the day after I finally rejoin my "online support group" the internet goes down! I just wanted to thank everyone for the advice and encouragement they gave me in my post.
I've been trying to cut out the grazing and increase my exercise.. thats step one. I wanted to go and talk to the nutritionist at my clinic... but my clinic has closed. I e-mailed the barix clinic central and asked them if they could put me in touch with another nutritionist so I could get some advice on what I should be eating. I just got a reply e-mail from her today.... so I will hopefully talk to her soon.
I'm continuing the job hunt and the lowering number in my bank account is making me more stressed and increasing my emotional eating appetite.
I'm pretty anemic and I just started a different iron so I'm going to see if that helps increase my energy level...
I hope everyone else is doing well.. Does anyone have any suggestions of high iron foods beside red meat?