Roll Call - Wednesday
Good Morning IL - What a change in the weather. Very cool this morning but refreshing. Calvin is starting Medifast today and I'm incorporating at least one of my meals and a snack w/ a medifast replacement. We shall see how that goes. So far I think the meals are pretty tasty. I'm used to trying different "diet" foods. Calvin on the other hand is like a big baby. His life is in the kitchen so you know any pre-packaged meal is just not at the top of his wish list. LOL He'll get thru it. My surgeon and his wife are both following the plan and have had great results and ook fantastic. So, I'm already at work and need to get busy. It's going to be a long day, I'm working both jobs so probably will just be lurking from time to time.
Cindy - Tomorrow is your big day! Sending prayers your way. Monica - Congrats on the WL! Janet K - What a scare you had. I'm glad your carbonmonoxide detector alerted you. That can be some scary stuff. Kim - Try to stay positive, don't give up the fight. It's times like these that you should be able to lean on your OH family. Stop isolating yourself and let us hold your hand thru this hard time.
I wish everyone a happy day. Don't forget to give yourself a hug and be good to yourself.
Okay.....shame on me!!! I should not turn away from true friends, I should talk to and lean on them! I should have learned that 2 years ago when I was on the brink of divorce! Yesterday I talked to someone at and got info. Because I am a stay at home Mom and I don't claim the money I get from babysitting, I need my husband on the loan. So there goes that ider! I might be able to save a few thousand and get a 6 thousand dollar loan by myself and go south of the boarder. I have perfect credit and do have income...why can't I get the stupid loan! I think I am going to call JP Morgan today. I have my 401k w/ them. I'm goin to ask about boring against my 401k or cashing it out!
I've been up since 4:30. Maddie and I took our neighbors to O'hare this morning and then I took her to school. I have some running around to do today and I want to do at least 5 min of Teo Boe boot camp! That stuff kicks my butt! I was only able to do 3 min yesterday. I am going to the movies tonight w/ some friends.
I hope everyone is having a good day! Cindy..I'm sending good and safe thoughts your way and will be thinking about you tomorrow and days to come! I am so very happy for you! May God bless you and everyone else on this site! We are all very lucky to have found eachother!!!!
Love ya, Kim