Roll Call- Tuesday
Good Morning Monica and you did just fine starting things out! It was so nice you asked about Kim. You are half way there and then the waiting begins! doesn't seem like those insurance people are making people wait so long any more! Chris.....I am so dissapointed with you.....Becoming a cheesehead.....shame on you! And where do you live? UGH! Wll I guess this is where I have to practice tough love! LOL Good morning to the rest of Illinois! Pam
Good Morning Monica & all of IL - It is a glorius morning. Pretty much the "samo, samo" going on with me. Work. I hope to be off at a decent time tonight but it will all depend on what comes in today at work. Calvin is off today so I would like to be able to spend the evening with him.
We are missing some of our regulars. Come out, come out wherever you are. Kim, Janet K, Karen, Shelley, Shannon. I'm sure I've missed more but that was just a few that came to mind. At this point, it's looking like the apple orchard has fizzled out. I probably can't get off work at this late date but if anyone wants to step up and take it on, have at it. Hope everyone has a great day. Monica, Congrats on your test and good luck w/ your appointments today. Christina
Mendy - Legally, you do not have to provide any more information then you will be taking medical leave. I personally chose to share my journey with my employer and co-workers. He was concerned but very supportive. I figured if I tried to keep it a secret, people were going to start really being concerned about the drastic weight loss and then would think I was really seriously ill. I like to keep things open and honest and everyone has been Very supportive and it keeps me accountable. I even have one of the guys take monthly pictures of my progress. They are a big part of my cheerleading team. Good Luck.. I'm sure your principal will want you to be healthy and happy. You'll be able to run circles around those kids in no time!
Good Morning Monica! You did just fine with the start up.....I was going to do it, then......I had to work! (and I have been interupted 3 times while trying to finish typing this!) Anyway......Good luck to you today with your appointments, I am sure you will do fine, and you ARE half way there!!! See.....the time really does go by quicker than you think.
I would love to head up the Apple Orchard get together, but I will be on my anniversary trip from the 18th until the 25th, so I don't want to promise something that I can't deliver. Maybe I can plan something for a week or so after I get home. I will think on it......... I am working today, then home to see my family as I did not see any of them except for Amber yesterday due to the support meeting in Madison. It was pretty good, the topic was "how do we know when we are full?" So everyone.........what is up? Where ARE you all???? Take a moment to fill us in! Remember.........Tomorrow is Cindy's (xraychk) surgery. If you haven't, please go to her surgery page and flood her with support!

Good morning everyone! Time to rise and shine .
I'm in a good mood today because I finally got my order of AchieveOne protein drinks. I ordered them in early September and got them yesterday. YUMMO! I'm drinking one now, Mocha Java Nut...
This gal got up early this morning and did her exercise. I'm getting myself prepared for plastic surgery to be in the best health I can be. I think I am going to stop at my Mom's house and pick up my fall and winter clothes stored in boxes. Wishing everyone a wonderful and healthy day.
Hugs, Lucy
Hello to all,Monica, it was nice to see someone else start the Roll Call today. You did fine.
I am at work, hoping to get home by 4 or so, but its probly only wishful thinking. I am on lunch break, Its the only extra time I have today.
Day 2 of Impact Shakes. Its coming fast. Next week at this time I will be on aday of liquids .
Back to workLisa