Sample Vitamin Question...

Open RNY May 7

Open RNY May 7
Hi Monica, The nut. will advise you on which are the best for you as well as your doctor. I started out on Flinstones chewable twice a day, a sublingual b-12 once per week. For calcium, I take Costco's version of Viactiv calcium chews. For a short while when my iron was low, I was taking an iron sup. but the iron levels are good now. If I've learned one thing through this journey it is to not stock up on "stuff" prior to surgery. I could have openend my own fat free sugar free jello and pudding store. I bought so many packs. I don't know what I was thinking. That litte pouch can only handle so much at first. I had chicken broth that would rival Campbells soup stock. As a result, I can no longer stand the sight of chicken broth, jello or pudding :-) Every doctor is different, no one is better than the other, just follow their advice and you will be just fine. You are halfway there and that is FANTASTIC.