Roll Call - Monday
Good Morning IL - What's cooking this morning? It's a lovely morning, wish I could be out enjoying it but instead I'm working. Not too much to report. Things are going very good for me. I'm 2lbs from my Halloween goal. I would have never thought I would be so close and it's only the 8th of the month. Now I'm thinking and wanting to get to 199 by Thanksgiving. I originally thought Christmas but if things continue to go as well as they are, I may be at 199 by Thanksgiving. Now that is something to be thankful for!!! I don't want to get too aggresive because I know that the weight loss has been slow but I still think I'm going to shoot for the stars. Anyone else have mini challenges going on? Personal goals they are trying to meet? This is what keeps me accountable. Pop in and tell us what's going on w/ you. We have quite a few "losers" in October and the days are approaching fast. Buckle up, hold on tight and enjoy the ride... It is an amazing ride. Wishing everyone a great Monday! Christina
Hi Christina and Martha! Martha your surgery day will be here soon and we'll be here to support all along the way!
Christina, you're doing marvelous sweetie! I have no doubt that you will reach or surpass your goal by Thanksgiving.
I'm getting ready for my next round of plastics (see my post). It's less than 5 weeks away. The time will fly, I'm sure. I have plenty to do to get myself and house ready. I'm glad it's first thing in the morning.
I'll have a new face for 2008 and look more youthful. YAY!!!
I am of course, scared... who wouldn't be? more anesthesia, more pain, and more swelling. I'm such a baby with the swelling; it's like going through post-partum depression. I call it post-plastic surgery depression!
Hugs, Lucy


Open RNY May 7

Hi Lisa. OMG, the impact drinks. I sure remember them. I bought them at the time you had to mix them with water. I hated my first one but then they grew on me and I liked them. You've got a big screen computer! I'm jealous. I work off of a laptop at home. It's more convenient for me to sit on my lazyboy chair and type away though.
Have a good evening!