Sunday Roll Call

Good Afternoon IL -
I got up early this morning, 5am to take care of Calvin & the dogs. Then went back to bed and slept until noon I had all the intentions of going to work at 6am since I was up but my body told me different. So I just drove thru the starbucks, dropped off dry cleaning, stopped at a little flower shop & picked up a couple mums and now I'm at work and it's 1pm. Better late then never LOL.
No one here so it's nice and quiet and I can get a lot done provided I shut down OH. So, not much going on just another day for me. Hope everyone has a great Sunday, it's pretty warm out so make sure you get those liquids in.
Take Care, Christina
Hello Illinois I am trying to get in all of my water and protein. I slept late and tonight is my bowing night (I am not very good but it is fun). I have to to get busy on the quilt I started months ago. I have many changes going on so I am trying to do and take one thing at a time. Many Blessings Shannon
Open RNY May 7
Hello everyone.
I am just sitting here and work, waiting for the time to pass. I only have 4 more days until surgery.
I work tonight and tomorrow night, then I'm off until after Thanksgiving!!
I am currently on my clear liquid diet and I have to say that I REALLY don't enjoy it. But it has to be done, so I will do it. Other than that, just trying to get laundry done and my bag packed.
Enjoy the warm day.... GO BEARS!!