Saturday Roll Call
Well, we made it up here safe and sound with a detour through some small towns. We regularly listen to a small christian radio station from Madison that we can start receiving at about the Rockford area. They were giving the traffic details and were saying there was a bad accident on the interstate just a little north of Madison so I whipped out the map real quick and found a different route. We did not set any time records getting up here but we got here safe and that is all that counts.
We have some plans to see some fall colors today. On the drive up we could see the trees changing and many of them are just spectacular. There is a narrow gauge rail road that has a little ride that we are going to go on and then we will wing it from there, probably just do a lot of walking and maybe get over to the outlet mall and walk somemore there.
Take care and have a great day. Come on in you newbies and tell us about yourselves.
Open RNY May 7

Good Morning Gina, Chris, and Mary, Well I feel much better today I had a run in with the flu bug,but I think I a getting over it anyway I lost 4 lbs
, not too bad for not eatting for two days,
Gina, have a good time at the Pumpkin patch today
, and good luck with your anut. hope everything goes ok with her,
Chris enjoy your day hope you see alot of pretty colors on you drive
Christina, tell your hd to be careful with his diet my aunt got real sick
on that diet, I wish him good luck with it,
Mary sorry to hear about you foot, hope you can get it feeling better soon,
everyone else hope you have a great day I think Summer is back
Success begins with wise choices I make,I will not let noncompliance be my mistake, The surgery I had was to assist me in changes. My compliance is for a success long range, So I will think before I decide to cheat. Remember the goals I want to meet. For this surgery is not something I was force to do It was what I wanted for a healthy life!
Open RNY May 7
Today is the begining of Spoon River drive. For those thats not familiar here is the link it is a fun way to get in a lot of walking. The weather is grat for it too. Last year it was all rainy. Tomorrow is my stepdads memorial service. Then Tuesday morning there will be a military service, at our local park. Nice to see Christina and Calvin at support group. Christina thank you for your kind words. It was also nice seeing Christine and Dave at support group I enjoy coming and seeing faces from the board. I also enjoyed meeting some new ppl. I was able to share some of my experiences with lap band.
Hope to see everyone next month. Karen
Hi IL Board members!!! Wow...sounds like you are all gonna have a great weekend!! I am working, of course...but, my vacation is scheduled for the end of the month. I can't wait!!!! I've been doing really well with walking....After the Walk from Obesity, I think I got hooked on walking!! I take the dogs every morning after work for a 1-2 mile keeps them tired and happy for the rest of the day while I get some rest. Last week, I participated in a 4K walk for an animal shelter....and I've signed up for a nearby 5K walk for next weekend in River Forest.......I made sure to check that it's ok to bring one of my four-legged walking buddies. If anyone out there lives in the Chicago/Oak Park/River Forest area and needs a walking buddy, please contact me. Everyone have a great day!! Paula