Roll Call - Friday

Hello everyone,
I haven't been on much, just busy with the kids and my house ugh.... The kids are home today and we are going to clean the house LOL... I have been getting things ready for surgery like meals for family and so on.. The other night I made chicken soup thinking well when I get home I could have the broth well... the family ate it all LOL. So now I need to make another batch...Other than that just getting things ready I run the food pantry at our church and need to find some one to take it over while I am recouping.. I also do thanksgiving baskets so I am going to have to find help...This weekend nothing much going on Thank God I am just wanting to rest and relax. I am sure that isn't going to happen...I haven't told anyone I am going back to have my surgery except my family, That way I can just concentrate on me and my family right now..I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend......Christina that group sounds wonderful I wish I knew of one out here, my doctor doesn't have any...
well have a great weekend Martha

Good morning all! Christina, I agree, it IS very hard to relax. I find that I could easily slip into old bad habits if I am not paying attention. A chip here and there, putting things in my mouth out of boredom, or because it's there......... I wish I had some sage advise, but I can only say that I agree and you are not alone.
I am still 30-40 pounds from my goal, and have been on a plateau for so long that I am worried that the losing is over. That is bad enough, but I also fear that the gain will begin at any moment, as it always did in the past. insight into how to get over it, but right there with ya!
As for my day and weekend........
Today, usual. Tonight, David does not have to play football, but we are talking about going to the varsity game anyway. I may help in the lemonade stand, I have not heard if I am needed or not yet.
Tomorrow, the boys have a merit badge pow wow in Monroe in the morning, and I may try to get some stuff done around the house.
I have volunteered to go with the band to Oregon, IL on Sunday to help with the parade and I am hoping to see Monica while we are there!
Besides all of that, we will be gearing up for the big anniversary trip. Amber reminded me last night that although we do manage to get a way occasionally, it had been about 14 years since it was just Todd and I (ALONE) for a whole week!!!!! My goodness, whatever will we do????
I hope you are all having a great day and weekend and will be able to get out and enjoy this weather!
Alright, I am up! Been up for a long time. Got some lab results back on my thyroid blood work from Tuesday and the doc is upping my meds again, double from what it was. Need to go back in and have the vampire, I mean nurse take more on Halloweenie of all days. My B-12 level is still out of wack but at least the iron level is not too bad.
All ready to hit the road at 3pm. I am kind of winding down from spinning in circles today to get a lot of the paperwork done. Just like I said last night I have been spinning and when I look back at my desk it all seems to still be there.
Calgon, take me away!!
Open RNY May 7