getting VERY anxious
I've already been approved and all I have left is a support group this Saturday, a dietary clearance, and an appointment with my pulmonologist, but I am SO anxious to get a set date. I start to think about it and I get butterflies and get worried that suddenly there will be a flood of appointments and my surgery will be pushed back to april of 2008 I'm also getting frustrated to see that people are getting dates before they have the rest of their testing done and I have to wait :( Anyone else get this impatient towards the end?
Push hard to go and see the pulmonologist ASAP, That will take the longest and might slow things up if he/she wants a sleep study.
Are you seeing Dr. Hart for this? I know I was delayed for 2 months as they found out I had a bad case of sleep apnea and made me sleep with a machine for 30 days before they would schedule the surgery. I had hoped to have mine before the end of 2005 but ended up in January 2006 cause he took so long.
Good luck and let me know if I can answer any questions for you.
Regards and hugs,
