Tuesday Roll Call
Good morning Illinois! I just have work today and I'm going to try and get caught up on my house work and laundry. I am so behind with all that had been going on. Ill tackel this all one chore at a time. I hope to be done before Thursday so I can attend the meeting at Dr Rosen's. I cancelled my appointment with him because I could not make it by 2:30.
Stay safe and enjoy any time you can with this great Fall weather. Take an extra walk if you can!!!
Hi everyone! The apple orchard still sounds good to me. What is the weekend after the 13 and 14th? That would be good or the weekend after that. The 13 and the 14th is the big Fall Diddley at the fair grounds in Boone county. It is an awesome craft fair. I think Sat would be the only day I could do that...I am going Sunday w/ Mom. That would be good walking too. I live 2 min from the fair grounds for the craft fair and 5 min to the orchard. We could always come back to my house and chit chat! Lets see what people say about he date. I would really like Christina to come, so lets see if this gave enough time for her to request off. Sorry I haven't been on top of it lately!!!
On the flip side...I have been having some major problems w/ Ryan.(my husband) He has decided not to be supporitive and wants nothing to do with me having surgery. He feels I am lazy and want to take the easy way out. I am so upset about this that I have been getting migranes almost daily! What do I do??? Do I do this for me and go ahead w/ the process and eventually have the surgery, or do I just be the wiped wife and say yes dear.????? I know what I want to say and that is "screw you! I am going to do something for me for a change". but I still have questions about every thing. What if I have the surgery and I fail...then he will say "I told you so". I hope everyone is having a great day! I love fall!!!! The windows opena dn the clean smell in the house and clean cold sheets!!!!! That's what I love about life!!! Then I always think...when ever I think I have it bad, there is someone out there that has it 100x worse than I!! Maybe someone has experienced a death in the family or a mom not knowing if her son will come back from Iraq. We should all count our blessing and thank God for the wonderful life we live!!! Love,Kim