Tuesday Roll Call
Good Morning Illinois!!!
OK.....I'll start:
Work again today. Nothing new there.
The kids only have half a day today, so I will be on the phone with them on and off this afternoon trying to keep them in line.
I am going to contact the pediatrician to see about getting more help for David. It really is hard as he is sick to death of seeing doctors. He seems to be a normal kid most of the time and I really can't blame him for just wanting to be left alone.
Glad to see that Chris and Dave had such a great time in the city and are home safe and sound.
Look at all the October surgeries coming up!!!!! Being an October baby myself, I am very excited for all of you!
It is vey foggy here this morning, but it is supposed to burn off by noon with a high of 80.
Did we ever nail down a sure thing for the apple orchard????
I wish everyone a splendid day!
Good morning Dawn and IL , Yes it is foggy here too this morning , I don't have much going on, still waiting on my Ins. comp, to get back to me, I sure hope the Dr. sent the papers in,
hope everyone has a great day,
Success begins with wise choices I make,I will not let noncompliance be my mistake, The surgery I had was to assist me in changes. My compliance is for a success long range, So I will think before I decide to cheat. Remember the goals I want to meet. For this surgery is not something I was force to do It was what I wanted for a healthy life!
Good Morning Dawn and the rest of IL!
I can't imagine how David feels with all the Dr's and stuff. It's got to be hard on a kid. can ya believe all the Oct surgeries? that's so great!
Here it's very foggy as well and I can't even see across the street right now. I am getting ready to go to work and then we have Tyler's last football game of the season this afternoon. Hopefully he'll play as well as he has been playing since there will be high school coaches there watching. Other than that, it's House on TV tonight and more homework!
Have a wonderful day everyone!
Good morning Dawn and Monica.....and Illinois!
Too many doctors to keep up on huh Dawn? you must be running all the time!
Welcome back Chris and Dave! so are you going to be a name dropper on some of those heavyweights you met this past weekend?
I have posted a picture of my new baby ....check it out, its with my pics.....she looks soooo mean, but it's just red eye! lol I think her name is going to be Katie (my daughter picked it out)
All of you have a good day! Pam
Pam, ok here you go: Dr Charles Dyer, Provost and Dean of students, Michael Rydelnik, Professor, Dr Michael Easley, President of Moody Bible Institute. There were a couple other staff members but the names escape me. Radio - Mark Elstrand, morning show host, Melinda Schmidt & Anita Lustria-MidDay Connection hosts (at the live broadcast), Mike Kellogg, Music through the night host, Michelle Strombeck, all around host on radio, Greg Wheatley news and other host, Wayne Pederson, station manager and Sunday mid day host. We also met and had signed a CD by Buddy Greene, folk song singer and writer of "Mary Did You Know?" part of the lyrics are Mary did you know that your baby boy will one day walk on water? Did you know that your baby boy save our sons and daughters? . . . The song was also written with Mark Lowry. Michael W Smith and Reba have recorded it.
Open RNY May 7
Good Morning -
If a date is not set soon, I probably will not be able to join you. My employer puts out the schedule for two weeks and already has the first two weeks of October posted. I threw out a few dates but was told that Kim should set the date.. Soooo.. Kim........ You out there? Got a date in mind?
Hope everyone has a great day!