What is a sleep study?
They are checking to see if you have Sleep Apnea. Like Kelly said, it's an overnight test.
You get into your jammies and they hook you up with electrodes that monitor your breathing as you sleep and see if you stop breathing in your sleep.
You can bring your own pillow and if you think you will have trouble sleeping ask your doctor for a sleeping pill - that's what I did.
I had to have 2! They aren't fun, but it's good to know if you have sleep apnea and many obese people do.
Good luck.
Regards and hugs,

Revision on 04/19/13
You go to the pulmonologist first. He does some testing, and then schudules a sleep study. The quicker you get it done, its over with, and you can go on from there. I really didn't think I would sleep, but I did. I have sleep apena, and use a C pap machine.