OT: Illinois Law
Who did he batter the first time and who signed the first battery charges that landed him in jail? It sounds like there were many people involved in this. Yes, if the friend signs complaints against him for battery (the police CANNOT make him sign complaints, just so you know) he will be arrested again because those are seperate charges. The $100 fine is correct for the bail on the first battery charge. That is simple battery and the bond on that is $1,000 with the ten percent being $100. This is a class A misdemeanor and that is what the fine is for it. I cannot say what the judge would sentance him to if he was found guilty after a trial. They take into account the past criminal history after the verdict comes down. I really have never known of a first time(if he has never been arrested before) simple battery charge ending up with a jail sentance, usually probation and fines are imposed. IF IT WERE A FELONY (and this isn't) there would be a different outcome. Make sure that he goes to his arraignment hearing that will be set with an attorney. If he cannot afford an attorney then the courts will provide a public defender. I hope this helps. Christine PS I will not have access to a computer for the next 4 days due to being out of town. I hope everything works out for you two. I will check your post again on Sunday afternoon when I am home and see if there is anything else I can help you with.
Open RNY May 7
Open RNY May 7