December 1st is the date for our Party Time!
It's Official!!!
December 1st is confirmed for the clubhouse where I live. We have the clubhouse all day and into the wee hours of the morning.
This invitation is for all Illinois OH Board members - upstate and downstate, spouses and significant others!
More to come in the days ahead. It will be potluck. Everyone can bring a dish or whatever. Details will be forthcoming.
This girl will be dancing the night away! YAY!!!

Ronna, how thoughful of you to think of paper products. Dave is the cook in our family. I usually leave everything to him, though I like to be creative every once in a while. I am the youngest of seven and my mom never taught me to cook. Dave tells everyone (and he loves to tell everyone so they hear it) that I burn water!
What can I say?

Open RNY May 7
Hi Ronna. You don't have to cook. Like you said, there are paper products - plates, cups, plastic ware and pop or water. There is also fruit, salad, jello etc..
We can start a list of what people would like to bring . I'm sure there will be plenty for everyone.
I think that people will be coming and going all day long..... we can start the party in the afternoon and through the night - or at least until 2 a.m.
Some people may opt to stay at neighboring hotels. I'll have to check what is in the area.
It sounds like it's going to be a blast!
Revision on 04/19/13
Hi Lucy, Better late then never,
I have already may my DH put in time off of work for that weekend. So............. the only thing that would stop us from coming is a snow storm
and that won't happen. So.......... Its time to party!!!!

Sounds like a really great time! I would love to be there, but we are haveing our family Christmas that weekend!
I work every third weekend and so does my sister, only her's is not the same weekend as mine so we only have 2 weekends a month to chose from to have our family events. When we throw mandatory holidays in there, it was the first weekend in December, or the 3rd weekend in Jan!
Oh well, maybe I will be able to make it to one in the sping.