Help! Clinic in Oak Brook
I am trying to get all of my records together to get approved for surgery, and I am hoping someone out there can help me. In 2001 to 2003 there was an office that was first come first serve in Oak Brook (across from the mall on the other side of 22nd street). Does anyone know the name of it? I doubt it is still there, but it was in an office building. They gave out a month's supply of appetite suppressants for $40-$50. I know this is a long-shot, but I had to try!
Sorry, I don't have a quick answer for your question, but a suggestion......Have you tried calling the Village of OakBrook?? Perhaps someone in the village hall or building dept can assist with an answer. When I worked for a suburban police department, we used to get folks calling for info similar to yours....although, I'm not suggesting calling the police dept.
I'd wait til around 9am and call the village hall.
They should have some record at the village of past businesses based in their town, especially since you have it narrowed down to a pretty good time frame and location.

No, the WISH Center was at 2801 Finley Rd in Downers Grove, LifeWeigh Bariatrics is now at this address in Downers. WISH was not involved in the type of program that she is talking about. WISH did however hold their support groups in the Marriott that was right near there on 22nd near OBC mall.
Open RNY May 7