OT: Prayers Please
For those of you who pray, could you please keep my boys, Tyler and Jacob and their dad, my ex in your thoughts and prayers please. My ex's grandfather passed away last night and everyone is very upset. I loved that man with my whole heart, he was the only one in my ex's family that was kind to me through everything that my ex and I went through. He was a very special man. My ex and his grandfather were so close that he was my ex's best man at our wedding. My heart is breaking for him.
thank you
Things are better today, thanks Chris. Ya know, he was really sick here at the end and now he's in a better place where he's no longer sick. The boys are doing very well, they are sad, but old enough to know that this was coming. The worst part for them right now is it looks like the memorial service won't be til Oct 6th, which is the weekend that we usually go out to my parents house for their huge festival every year. The boys are torn, they want to go to the service but they also want to go and see their grandparents. What to do?