Monday Roll Call
Good morning Lucy and Illinois! It was great to meet everyone yesterday! And yes Lucy, the new avatar is wonderful! Thank you Cindy for posting the pictures. They are really nice.
I think a pot luck sounds like a great idea! We can plan it for a longer period of time and get a better chance to talk and compare notes. Even though some of us stayed until 4 or so, it did not seem long enough and it was unfortunate that we were kind of in 2 groups. I feel bad that I didn't get to talk to everyone. I am back to work this morning, catching up on the board (naughty me.....). I will be here until 9:30 when I have to go over to the hospital. My uncle is having surgery today and I want to be there for him and my Aunt. I am hoping to be back here today to check in (with you and my work) but we will see how things go. David also has a game tonight, I need to pick up the rest of the binding for the quilt (I just posted pictures on my profile). I had hoped to get to the St. Anthony meeting, but I don't know if I will make it or not. Everyone have a lovely day!
Hi Dawn. Hope your uncle's surgery goes well!
I'm getting the same messages from everyone about a more quiet and relaxed get together. It would be nice to host one in November or December. I'll have to check and see what dates are available and let everyone know.
Saying a prayer for a speedy recovery for your uncle!
Take care.
Good Morning Friends -
We really had a nice turnout yesterday. I do have to agree that it was hard to get around to see and talk to everyone because of the table arrangements. Perhaps a potluck at the clubhouse would be more cozy. I know there was some talk of the Apple Orchard in Rockford next month. I'm ok with either one but I do think the apple orchard would be more difficult to carry on a conversation but then I'm thinking the clubhouse would be a better fit in Decemeber for a holiday party. Ok, tell me to just stop thinking! By the way Dawn, love the quilt. I have a busy day ahead of me so I'm going to get moving. Hope everyone has a great day! Christina

You're too funny Me tiny? yea right. Ok, I will say thankyou but I'm far from tiny. Maybe a little thinner then over the summer. But thank you again for the compliment. You are too kind! Calvin really had a nice time but he was getting ancy toward the end because the "Ravens" were playing.
I have name tags for the next visit if anyone is interested. I brought them yesterday but the idea was shot down by two different people. I personally would of liked to of seen people put their name and if they were pre-op or post and which surgery they were having or had. Just so I new a little something about them. I got all the names down I just don't always remember which sergery they are having and if they are pre or post.
Have a lovely day. You're lookin mighty fine yourself Love the new avatar, you're lookin too hot to handle!
