OT...........Wish I could have been there!
Hope everyone had a great time the Illinois get together! I have missed talking to everyone. I have been helping my mom with my stepdad. He was admitted to the hospital on yhe 6th with a bad case of pneumonia, on top of the cancer he has. We are at this point taking it hour by hour. He will not be with us long so I am at her house as much as possible. We were told his body is eat up with cancer. He doesn't have any insurance and medicare will not let him stay in the hospital, so we had to take him home to die.
I am doing 3 school bus run every day now and about 3 fieldtrips weekly. I still babysit my 2 grandsons too. I drive in the am from 7 to 8 then go to my moms. Come back and go pick up the pm preschool kids at 10:45 that takes until 12:15 then I drive the 18 miles back to my moms. Then I have to be back to drive the pm bus to take kids home, at 3pm . I get back home about 4. We have to turn him every 2 to 3 hours. At about 5 I go back to moms and stay until about midnight helping her and keeping her company.
I found time today to get on the computer because my sister went to moms to help. I am tired and I need a VACATION...............He will not be with us much longer, and its the least I can do for a person who has been there for me through the last 30 yrs.
Please Pray that god doesn't let him suffer, sometime the pain is real bad, and you can tell but the morphine puts him to sleep and he like to look at us. He's trying to remember us. Thanks for letting me ramble on it feels good to talk!
Hi Karen, sorry to hear about you step dad, Cancer is a very ulgy thing My stepdad and father inlaw both die from it ,so I know how you are feeling, I will keep you and your family in my thoughs and prayers,
Success begins with wise choices I make,I will not let noncompliance be my mistake, The surgery I had was to assist me in changes. My compliance is for a success long range, So I will think before I decide to cheat. Remember the goals I want to meet. For this surgery is not something I was force to do It was what I wanted for a healthy life!
Thank you for the prayers. He was given 6 months to 1 year last Dec. He is slowly slipping away. Tonight we could not get him to wake for food. Last night he just starred at us. He has also told us he must go away. So we held his hand and said enjoy your journey. I then told him we will take care of mom for him. He then gave us all kisses. So it won't be long. I just wish I could stay with my mom so she won't be alone when it happens. Your right CANCER SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!
Revision on 04/19/13