4 yrs post op
Hello! Wow I cannot believe how much this site changes every time I come to it! Before my wls 4 yrs ago I was on here daily! Crying cause it seemed like nothing went my way in the time frame I wanted it to! My advise to everyone is RESEARCH WLS! Its not for everyone! I am so Thankful it was for me! It was not easy! Lots of loops to jump threw! Then remember ALWAYS follow your wls Dr's advise! He knows best! I was lucky and had no problems! My stomach still tells me when I have had enough! Yes I do once in a while go to McDonlads but I have a cheese burger with half a bun and a half small fry! This is all my stomach will allow me to eat! I cannot drink milk! No shakes! I do have soy milk for my protein shakes! I love chocolate unjury protein shakes. I drink one every morning. I was over weight because of fast foods and eating lots of cereal! I don't like soy milk enough to have it on cereal so none for me! Aren't I lucky! Really I eat anything I want, if I want it bad enough. I just eat a little of everything! My 27 yr old daughter Carissa had wls surgery 5 mths ago, she has lost 90 lbs! I am so happy for her! Ok Folks I have work to do, which I have been putting off all week! If I had a boss I would have been fired this week! I own 2 different buisness's, so I am lucky to be able to be free! My office manager is off sick today so I am at her desk, wasteing time!
I need that slave driver boss to come in and tell me to get to work! I have a list of 75 people I need to call! Today is it! I am going to do it!! I try to rewad myself when I am done but I always get my reward before I do it! Well that doesn't make sense! I wish you all good luck! See you lighter! Cyndi
See Ya All Lighter! Hugs! Cyndi B -140lbs, 3 yrs post op