Friday Roll Call
Good Morning IL - It's finally Friday.. Yiippppee Skipppeee! Rise and Shine, What's everyone have planned for today and the weekend?? Hopefully you have our meet and greet on your calendar for Sunday. It looks like we are going to have a really nice turn-out.
I have a busy day ahead of me, not much more going on. Please keep those thoughts, prayers, good vibes coming for those in need.
Janet K. is in the hospital dealing with some breathing problem.
Kim is battling with insurance companies.
Monica is dealing w/ a boute of maybe depression or motivation.
Just remember, we are all in this together and stand by you thru the good and bad.
Where is Karen and Paula?? I have not seen posts from these ladies this week.
Pop in and tell us what's going on, have a great Friday everyone!
Well, this evening we meet up with some friends for a local theater play production and we will go out afterwards for a bite to eat. I have a rather full weekend coming up starting on Saturday. We have a seminar to go to for Dave's doctor group tomorrow then after that we go back home for a short while before we head off to church to serve lunch to the production team. After that we have a suprise 80th b-day party in McHenry. We are staying overnight out there and then we come back to Panera to meet up with the rest of the group for lunch. We also have a spaghetti dinner to go to that the local Lions Club is sponsering in Itasca so we need to get to that before they stop serving. The party will be fun because there will be a lot of people that we have not seen for a long time and many of them do not know of our surgeries and WL. Chris
Open RNY May 7