new to Illinois Group,
Becky as of now you are no longer a stranger, you are a friend who is going through what we all are or have gone through. I happen to have BCBS PPO as well and I'm on my 2nd month of my supervised 6 month diet they require. The only problem I seem to be having is getting motivated to exercise...but that changed with the support and wonderful people here! What stage of the weight loss surgery journey are you in? Have you done the 6 month diet yet?
God Bless you and yours as well sweetie!
as of today 09-21-07 I have done everything they ask, I have been on diets and monitoring my weight since I was 16 yrs of age, Just had bilateral knee replacement for the 2nd time this past April and May. Had them both done same time October of 2005. I did my 6 months of monitoring my weight, had a Bod Pod, but I think if I had of gone to the Dr. I'm going to now maybe would not of had to do that, of course went to a siminar. Have met with my Dr. twice, met with dietition, and had my pyh eval.Had my regular Dr. as well as my knee surgeon write a letter of necessity,and I have a great deal of family History just waiting to make me there next candidate.Alot of COPD,Dibetise,Asthma, CA, arthrities, and the list goes on. I myself right now am pretty healthy,just over weight and I know by my family history ,that good health won't last for long at this rate.....I have back, knee, planter fascitis,both heels so getting about is a real "Glory" somedays, also have alot of trouble with my kidneys, I seem to be incont a lot, Have been told many times , most of those achs and pains will go away if I can get some of .Eaiser said than done, but we are going to give it one last effort, Good Lord wiling.I have a wonderful supporting family who back me all the way,a loving husband ,7 beautiful children, (2 set of twins,) 7 grandchildren, 5 dogs,and a partrich in a pear tree.Ha!HA!all but the partrich and the pear tree are true.Have done great deal of research over the last few month on this, but I guess until you live and breath it you really don't know. I just pray that the Lord will deliver me from this, to much healthier,and ability to be more productive. Well didn't mean to tell yu all this, guess I needed to vent to someone who is walking in my shoes at this very moment..God Bless you and Love and Respect,Becky. have a most peaceful sleep.
Revision on 04/19/13
Hi and welcome to the Illinois Board. I live in LaSalle County, in North Central Il. I don't know anything about the support group in Bloomington either, but have you checked with any of the hospitals there in Peoria. I know St. Francis does wls, so they may have a group.