Thursday Roll Call
Good morning all!
I am up and about. Still job hunting. I hope everyone that goes on Sunday has a wonderful day! I will be celebrating 12 years of wedded bliss with my DH. We have had our ups and downs, but as we get older and wiser, we are more in love then when we was 12 years ago.
What is everyone else doing today?
Have a great day! Suppose to be in the 90's here.
Good Mornging Dee and Illinois! Good luck with the job searching Dee, I have heard it's pretty bad out there right now. My sister has been looking for a while and still hasn't gotten anything.
Happy anniversary!!! I'm so glad that things are going so well for you and DH.
Today is work work work, still very busy and will be for a while now. I am working on embroidering 327 shirts for the Kaneland school district and then I have 250 to do for the City of St Charles.
After work Tyler has his last home football game and then it's home to watch the Premier of Survivor. Yes we are survivor watchers. lol
I hope everyone has a wonderful Thursday!!
Good morning Dee and IL family
Happy Anniversary Dee, I know what you are taking about in the up and downs my hd and I have had our fare share of it we have been married for 32 yrs, and I too think we are more in love then when we were younger, must be the getting older thing.
I was to go get my feedback on my psych evel yesterday, I got all the way down their and they called me on the cell and told me the psych , did not get my report done could I come tonight @ 7 pm, Of course I was not happy
at all wish they could have let me know more then 15 mim before my appt. oh well what can I do,
anyway I guess tonight I will be done with it, I hope
Hope everyone has a good day

Success begins with wise choices I make,I will not let noncompliance be my mistake, The surgery I had was to assist me in changes. My compliance is for a success long range, So I will think before I decide to cheat. Remember the goals I want to meet. For this surgery is not something I was force to do It was what I wanted for a healthy life!
Good Morning Dee and all of Illinois!!!
I am going to go have my car cleaned at lunch today, I just can't stand it anymore! Since I spend so much time in my car, it should be a peasant place, but my kids tend to leave stuff in there.
We got most of the squares done last night and are really hoping to finish the quilt tonight. Tomorrow night is the big Homecoming game in Dakota and David is supposed to play in the Fresh/Soph game then with the band at half time. I might work in the lemonade stand if we get the quilt and everything else done for the shower.
I am looking forward to Sunday. Was there some discussion about bringing clothes? I can't remember, but I may throw a bagfull into my car for anyone who might be interested.
Dee, I hope you and your husband have a wonder ful anniversary weekend, we will miss you!