Tuesday Roll Call
Good Morning Illinois!!!! I did not see this here, and I get so few chances to check the board that I thought I would start! Work, of course, today. Tonight, we HAVE to get working on the quilt squares. My neighborette seems to have procrastinated this project until the very last minute! The shower is THIS Saturday and we have not even begun! Oh well.....we will just have to rally to get it done in time. I am a bit upset with David.......Last Friday, I took his football coaches to task for threatening to bench David for the rest of the season because he was going to miss a Fresh/Soph game due to the commitment to go to Starved Rock that was made last April. (David is a Freshman, and they only let them play in the Friday game if they are winning big anyway, then, only in the last quarter.) Anyway......I really gave them H*LL, and told them and their bosses that they WOULD NOT be benching David for doing what is right. What does David do??????? He did not go to practice last night!!!!!! Now, I just look like a royal b**ch, trying to make excuses for my "precious" son. Hopefully, today will be a better day.
I am looking forward to Sunday, I know you all are too! Will there be enough room for us all??? ALSO.......during the typing of this (and all posts) the screen has moved me out of the typing box 3 times. This happens all the time......if I am not paying attention, I will get the "are you sure you want to leave without saving" quetsion. What the heck am I doing wrong?

Open RNY May 7

Success begins with wise choices I make,I will not let noncompliance be my mistake, The surgery I had was to assist me in changes. My compliance is for a success long range, So I will think before I decide to cheat. Remember the goals I want to meet. For this surgery is not something I was force to do It was what I wanted for a healthy life!
Actually, I have been going to the Dells area since I was knee high to a cricket. Probably for close to 45 years. My folks retired up there as did my mom's mom. We just love it there and are trying to figure out how to retire there without the state of WI taxing our pensions to death since we earned them in IL. This will be the 3rd time we have seen the ORB in concert up there. They do a fantastic christian based clean show that you can take kids to.
Open RNY May 7
This is the first time we are going to see her. We have been in this little 2,000 seat theater in the Dells and they have really nice shows, mostly country. We are seeing the Oak Ridge Boys just before Thanksgiving there also. I do believe that Kim was going to be back by the weekend because I do believe that she will be there on Sunday.
Open RNY May 7