Monday Roll Call

:) Yep, I work the overnight shift...9:30pm to 6am. It's true about never getting used to the hours, especially since I try to "convert" back to normal sleeping on my days off. No big deal walking all three dogs, since they are all about the same size as Copper, whom you met at Saturday. They get into a groove walking and stay next to me.........they're great company on walks. take care
Good Morning all, I have been busy,busy,busy!! I have my ex mother-in-law's funeral to go to near Detroit plus homecoming is this weekend. On top of everything, I just got my surgery date...yay!!! November 5 is my big day!!! I will be back and forth to Northwestern U. the next couple of weeks. Loser's bench here I come!!!!
Melissa M
Restarting my journey to be healthy and thin