Sunday Roll Call
Good Morning IL -
Life has really been busy for me lately. Calvin and I went to the "Walk from Obesity" yesterday. It was a really nice time. The weather was absolutely beautiful and just being able to spend time with my hubby was wonderful. Lately it seems like we have to schedule time for each other or just see each other in passing. I was able to say a quick Hi to Lucy, met Kathy from Plainfield and met Paula whom hopefully will be joining us next Sunday. Both Kathy and Paula brought there little dogs and oh they were sooo cute. Makes me wish I had a lap dog. Mine are all 100lbs and think they are lap dogs! .
Calvin had his appointment with the liver doctor on Friday and he gave his blessing on the wls. I'm so releived. Calvin still has a few more hoops to jump thru but he's on track and really excited about this opportunity.
What's going on with everyone? I'm working both jobs today So I'm going to be busy, busy.
Don't forget, mark your calendars if you have not alreay....... A week from today is our meet and greet and Panera Bread near Woodfield Mall at 1pm. Can't wait to see/meet you all.
Have a great Sunday everyone! Christina

Success begins with wise choices I make,I will not let noncompliance be my mistake, The surgery I had was to assist me in changes. My compliance is for a success long range, So I will think before I decide to cheat. Remember the goals I want to meet. For this surgery is not something I was force to do It was what I wanted for a healthy life!
Good Morning Christina, Paula, Lucy and Dee, and the rest of the Illinois board. Well, I did it! I actually turned on the furnace this morning. I was in the Rec Room and was thinking about how cold I was feeling, and then thought, this is stupid Lisa, turn the furnace on. I know its suppose to be back in the 80's this week, but the high today is only 68. I am so glad everyone had a great time at the walk yesterday. Hopefully, I will be able to join you next year. Congratulations to Paula, Christina and Lucy for doing the walk this year, Kathy too. Dee, please don't mess around with your blood presure. Mine has good out of sight a few times, so I know how you are feeling. Right now I am on 3 different medications, so it is under concrol. I am sorry you won't be able to join us next weekend, but anniversaries are special. Lucy, enjoy your Mom, mine has been gone for over 20 years. No real plans for today, I will see what happens. Last night we met our kids in Utica, Illinois for dinner at an Irish pub, our 9 year old granddaughter loves corn beef and cabbage.
Looking forward to the 23rd and meeting as many as possible. Everyone have a great Sunday.

Sorry for chiming in late. I had a wonderful but very busy weekend.
Saturday I had company for dinner (15 people). It was a late holiday dinner (Rosh Ha'Shanna) and spent Friday and Saturday cooking. But it was wonderful, but way way too much food.
I did well and only took a spoonful of everything. I did make sure that there was plent of things that I could choose from. I made turkey breast, brisket, steamed vegetables, stringbean casserole made with fat free cream of mushroom soup, kasha (buckwheat with mushrooms), new potatoes and stuffing. Oh yes, gefilte fish too.
My cousins brough the most decadent desserts but I just looked at them and had some fresh fruit for my dessert. So I think I did really well.
And today I met a bunch of friends for brunch at Millrose Brewing Company. Again lots and lots of food. I think I may just go on liquids for the next couple of days to even out my calorie intake
I'm really looking forward to meeting many of you next week at Panera. I put it on my calendar so I won't forget.
Maybe we should put up a thread just to remind folks?
Anyway have a wonderful week all - See you on Sunday!
