Lost mother 7-20, I have now lost too much wt. HELP
My name is Barb my mother came to visit me for the summer on 6-6 of this year. On 6-23 she became ill and went into the hospital. She was on Oxygen 24/7 because of her 3rd stage emphysema and at that time developed a slight pneumonia. So we went into the hospital and later discovered many many other problems no one ever knew about. Bowel obstructions bad heart and so on. She was hospitalized for 27 days and died in hospice on July 20th. Being her only daughter here in this state I was at the hospital day and night with her. I could not leave her. After her death was worse because of the depression. I was not hungry was not eating right and I went from a stable 140 pounds to 128 pounds. Honestly I look awful at a small frame person of 5 5. Food has bothered my stomach since my pannecullectomy almost a year ago which is another issue. But what I want to know is what can I do to put this weight back on. Please don't tell me to drink ensure. I am desperate because I have to fly back to Arkansas on the 3rd of October and bring her ashes back to the rest of my family who is meeting me there where she and my sisters and two brothers lived. I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO. I JUST CAN'T SEEM TO PUT THIS WEIGHT BACK ON HELP.... SINCERELY, BARB. Please email me at [email protected] thank you.