Saturday Roll Call
Good Morning Illinois,
Not sure why no one has posted this thread yet, its after 11 a.m I know Christine is up at the Dells,
and Kim is in Flortda, what is everyone else up to this nice
I decided this morning to make a big pot of chili for lunches this week, and Krogers had California peaches on sale this week, so I made DH a peach pie. Its starting to heat up, and so is the smells. I never did get any of the great Southern Illinois Peaches this year. I really do think that they are the best.
Now I need to go and clean up the kitchen. I guess that happens when you finally decide to cook. Then, I think it is time to get a few sweaters out, to cuddle up in, when these days get cool.
Please come in and tell us how your day si going.

Success begins with wise choices I make,I will not let noncompliance be my mistake, The surgery I had was to assist me in changes. My compliance is for a success long range, So I will think before I decide to cheat. Remember the goals I want to meet. For this surgery is not something I was force to do It was what I wanted for a healthy life!
Ill try this again, I had a bad day. I went to Sears to return my glasses I got from them. I couldnt see from them. I told them when I picked up the glasses that they werent right. They told me to make an appnt with the Dr I saw again and he would recheck my eyes. I told them I wouldnt see that jerk again. I didnt trust him as far as I could throw him!!!!! He didnt even question me about my medical history, why I didnt want my eyes dialated, just examined me and kept going out of the exam. Told me to go and cut someones hair and come back and tell him how far I stood from my chair so he could determine where to put my bifocal!!!!! I told him I wouldnt do that. To figure it out cause I wasnt comming back. I should have walked out of the exam right then and there. I knew deep down the glasses werent going to be right. the manager aked me whythere werent right and I told her in no uncertain terms or words what I thouhgt in front of a whole waitingroom full of people. About 6 people walked out!!!!! My jewish mouth got me into lets say not a nice situation. They refunded my money but not the exam. I went to the main store manager and he refuned the exam fee with no charge after I told him what happened!!!!! Go figure. So my advice to anyone dont go to Sears for glasses or an eye exam!!!!! Ill go back to Denver to my own Eye Dr. lesson learned. Now back to my old glasses!!!!! Carla

Success begins with wise choices I make,I will not let noncompliance be my mistake, The surgery I had was to assist me in changes. My compliance is for a success long range, So I will think before I decide to cheat. Remember the goals I want to meet. For this surgery is not something I was force to do It was what I wanted for a healthy life!
Lucy, I had forgotten about the walk and that alot of the Illinois Board would be going to it. Dee, I hope you get feeling better.
Carla, nothing is wrong with being a Jewish Princess with a big mouth. How else would we get what we want?
Janet, where did you finally get your glasses? I stopped going to department stores and went to a regular Doctor, and have stayed with him for the past 5 years. At least he knows my eyes now. Hope everyone had a great day.