Friday Roll Call
Good Morning Monica and everyone else.
You should be proud of your sons accomplishments, it is so much better to be proud and able to brag about them then not want to say anything. I know that I love bragging about my 2 girls, even if they are a lot older then your kids, and my granddaughter.
Anyway,since I don't have to work today, I turn into a house cleaner, a gofer,and a laundry maid, then this evening go out to dinner with my DH and some friends. Tomorrow, we will be going to dinner with our kids, to celebrate a SIL birthday. We will be going to Duffys in Utica, Illinois. If my DH gets off work at hi s regular time tomorrow, we will go early and go to the Illinois Valley Wine Festival at Starve Rock State Park. Other then that, no plans are made for the weekend. Just play catch up and go back to work on Monday for what looks like a H#llish week.
Hope everyone enjoys the sun today, it seems beauti ful outside. Lisa
Good Morning Illinois! I missed you all yesterday....I had to go up to Madison (2nd trip this week!) to see the blood doctor to re-check my blood counts after the iron infusion. Everything looked good! I have to have my blood tested again in 3 months, then see him again in 6. He will then be able to tell how long the iron will take to be used up. He will then be able to tell how often I will need infusions.
Today, I am at work. I already had to write a poison pen letter to one of David's coaches. This coach told David that he "would not be playing much football the rest of the season" if he chooses to honor a prior commitment to go with his Boy Scout troop on a camping trip that has been planned since last April. We will see where the debris falls from that. Funny thing is, the camping trip is in Starved Rock State Park!!!! Am I correct in seeing that there will be a WINE Festival there? I will have to tell Todd to keep an eye on his "boys".
Due to the coach's words, it remains to be seen how I will be spending my evening. I will either be going to David's game to watch him play, then have to take him down to Starved Rock (what I hear is at least a 2 hour drive each way). If that happens, I will not get home until after midnight, then will have to be on the road with Olivia by 7:30 am for her Archery event in Hanover, IL. If I don't have to take David to Starved Rock (he will go with the rest of the boys at 5:30 pm and miss his game), then Olivia and I will be on our own for the evening. We will still be getting up early tomorrow, and I may go on to Galena while she is doing her Archery thing. Galena is such a cool place to while a way a few hours! We STILL have to finish the quilt squares for the neighbors baby this weekend too, as his baby shower will be next weekend. Gotta get back to work now..... Everyone have a lovely day!
Dawn, you won't need to worry about the boys and wine. If they are in the campground, its probly over a mile from where the festival is, and now that I think about it, I think it was moved to Mattison State park, witch is another mile or so away. Plus you have to be 21 to get any. Whatever you do this weekend, drive carefully. Lisa
Good morning all. Today is my last day off this week. I've got to play catch up with laundry. Later I have to pick up my daughter from school. She's gets to do crossing gard duty at her school this year every friday (for this quarter any way). So of coarse she can't ride the bus on Fridays. Then later it is out to my parent's house. Dad has to show me how to pay his bills on-line. My parents are leaving for a month Sept. 22nd. They are celebrating their 40th anniversary by taking a week to drive out to California, 1 week to drive back, and in between thos 2 weeks they will be on a 14 day cruise to Hawii. One of their friends is flying to Hawii for 1 weekend to meet up with them and have some fun in the sun. I was invited by this friend to go with her and surprise my parents, but I had to eat up all my time off pay with my surgery.
By the way all of my size 28 pants are sooo baggy. They are just staying on. But they are so loose that without shoes on I'm walking all over the hem. I need to look and find my size 26 jeans or start wearing the 24s I bought. The 24s I still have to suck in to get zipped.
Will be working all weekend at the hospital. Hope everyone has a good and safe weekend. Shelley