Thursday Roll Call

on 9/12/07 8:34 pm, edited 9/12/07 8:36 pm - Western 'Burbs Chgo, IL
Good morning one and all and welcome to our newbies that have been checking in and introducing themselves.  I have been busy, busy, busy at both work and home and that does not leave much time to even pop on the internet to even check my e-mail. I took my niece and her two boys out to dinner for her birthday last night. This is the same niece Dave and I treated to the weekend at the waterpark in the Dells this past June. She was celebrating her 29th birthday, part #2 as she calls it. It is tough to be a single mom of 2, but she is getting it done. Speaking of the Dells, I am about packed and just need to basically load things in the car and we are heading off up there early Friday morn. We need to get away. I have been doing some reflecting  the past couple of weeks and I am about at the edge of burnout.  I did not take much time off this summer and now it is catching up with me. I will be totally out of computer reach until we get back home Monday afternoon. Come on in and tell us what is going on in your world. We have Kim that received better news yesterday about her denial from Maggie. I knew that BCBS probably just did not totally read her paperwork, typical of them. Maggie was going to be sending in Lisa's paperwork, and Wendi is going to jump over to the Kane group. Janet, how is the healing going? Dee, how is your family doing with the loss of the extended family member? Mendys has an apt with her WLS doc to get the ball rolling towards a healthier life. Becky stopped in and introduced herself. Monica and Lippy81, Dawn and Christina are busy, busy with their . Lucy, has is the accredidation going? We have not heard from Pam S in a while. Smokey . .  how did it go with the NUT consult?  & Christine ps, whoops forgot DSBOO - how did your apt go yesterday?

Open RNY May 7


Lucy M.
on 9/12/07 10:13 pm - Conway, SC

Good morning Chris and the Illinois Board. OMG, Chris how do you keep up with everyone in so much detail?

Well, I am so happy to say that the accreditation survey at my hospital went very well. For my area, I only got one minor recommendation. Whew!!! I am so exhausted. Three days of working late but now it is over. I was so stressed out the past few months between my social life and work life. I've grazed so much and know that I gained weight. Today I am back to my normal routine and plan on keeping it that way.  I have so much to look forward to... especially my upcoming plastic surgery - the icing on the cake so to speak or the finishing touches on a portrait! The last 3 months were so bad as I was reverting to my old eating behaviors. I was feeling awful and it showed. It's time for me to do some soul searching and get back to reality. I know that I can share this with you and my other friends here on the IL board. I need the support of everyone here. I know that I can do this. I've come so far and invested too much to let it go down. I'm going to catch up on my sleep and get some needed rest. I am coming to the OH walk on Saturday and will be meeting many of you on September 23rd.

Wishing everyone a happy and healthy Thursday!

Hugs, Lucy

Pre-op/RNY day/pre DS day/current/goal-  Realize Band 5/15/08; RNY 6/8/05, Removal Band and RNY to DS 8/25/10. RNY & Band surgeon was Dr. Guske.


on 9/12/07 10:55 pm - Western 'Burbs Chgo, IL
Lucy, funny question. Well, as I am writing the post I have another internet window open with what is going on with everyone else and keep going back and forth adding things to the new post. I am happy that you are taking time for yourself in all aspects of your life. You can do it, you have the tools at your hands. Did I read somewhere that you are having your implants taken out? Why? Chris

Open RNY May 7


Lucy M.
on 9/12/07 11:10 pm - Conway, SC
Hi Chris. Yes, I am going to have my implants removed. I've been depressed over them for several months now. When I had my 1st breast surgery, the reduction back in 2001 - my PS (not Dr. M) also removed my inframammary folds. Dr. M tried to provide me some support for the new implants but didn't want to use mesh because it hides positive mammography findings - cancer. My right breast implant has completely fell out of position and hanging to my waist (just above) and the left one is hanging down too but not as much. I feel too big (am about a 38B). I am so unhappy with the way that I look. I don't want them anymore, just a breast lift is what I want at this point. I'm happier being flater as I was last year. He can just lift up the pancakes and I'll be happy. I should have stayed with my gut instincts, but all three PS told me that I wouldn't be happy with just a lift.. Lucy

Pre-op/RNY day/pre DS day/current/goal-  Realize Band 5/15/08; RNY 6/8/05, Removal Band and RNY to DS 8/25/10. RNY & Band surgeon was Dr. Guske.


Janet H.
on 9/12/07 11:33 pm - Golden Valley, AZ
Good Morning my IL. friends it went well yesterday with the Dietary consult. got alot of in from her, next week I go to the nut Dr. for the report, so she can send it to the Dr. Office,  I get my new washer and dryer today other than that now much going on, hope everyone has a great day

      Success begins with wise choices I make,I will not let noncompliance be my mistake, The surgery I had was to assist me in changes. My compliance is for a success long range, So I will think before I decide to cheat. Remember the goals I want to meet. For this surgery is not something I was force to do It was what I wanted for a healthy life!       



C. Richardson
on 9/12/07 10:18 pm

Good Morning Christine and the rest of my IL family - Things are still very busy and I don't see that changing for the remainder of the year.  I'm just holding on, taking things one day at a time.  This new software system is for the birds but I think it's normal to have some resistance.  It is what it is.. it's not going to change so I have to adapt. I'm freezing already and it's Sept.. Man, what am I going to do in a few months? Chris - I hope you and Dave have a great little get away.  Will I still see you on Tuesday evening??  I sure hope so!

Ok, time to get busy.....I hope everyone has a great day Christina

on 9/12/07 10:40 pm - Ottawa, IL
Yep i am busy busy!! Work today then off til Monday!! Cannot wait to get a massage and a facial on sat!! Right now I have Angelina Jolie lips again!! Damn this swelling and itchiness!! Damn allergies
Monica G.
on 9/12/07 10:44 pm - North Aurora, IL
Good morning everyone!  I finally have a minute this week to pop in and say  hi.  I have been SO busy with everything lately I feel bad for not posting more.   We have colds going around here and hopefully I won't catch it!  Tyler has football games every Tuesday and Thursday and practice on the other days.  Ausytn will be going to a neurologist for his head tic very soon, Jacob is going to the Dermatologist this morning, he's got these very strange sores on both arms, one finger and 3 of them on his side.  they are really big and oozy.  His reg Dr didn't have a clue what they were.  Hoping we get answers today.  there are still open houses to be gone to and other meetings for Tyler, who is in all advanced classes this year and has been invited to apply for a program through his middle school in conjuntion with IMSA (Illinois Math and Science Academy)  We are very excited for him and hope that he gets picked.  There are about 100 students applying and only 30 will be chosen. anywho, congrats to all who have dates and have had surgery, good luck to those who have dates coming up.   Christina-how is Calvin doing? Chris-I hope that you and Dave have a wonderful weekend Gotta



C. Richardson
on 9/12/07 11:52 pm

Hi Monica - Sounds like life is REALLY busy for you!  I'm keeping my fingers crossed that your son gets accepted into the school program.  Calvin is doing really good, thanks for asking.  He had a follow-up appointment with the surgeon that cut the big ole hole out of his stomach from the bug bite and he said it's looking great and he does not need to see him for anymore follow-ups so he has been released and will sign off on the wls.  I guess "nurse nancy" did a great job packing and covering that big crater.  Calvin meets w/ his hep c doc on Friday........ this is probably going to be the biggest hoop he will have to jump thru.  Before Dr. Rosen will perform the weight loss surgery he wants all of Calvin's docs to sign off giving their blessing.

I'll post an update after his appointment on Friday.  Are you going to be able to join us on 23rd??  I sure hope so! Have a great day, Christina

Monica G.
on 9/13/07 6:31 am - North Aurora, IL
I am going to try, but the kids are home this weekend with us so it may be hard to get away.  what time is everyone meeting? I'm glad that Calvin is doing well.  So good to hear.  Ya know, it's scary cuz Jacob's Dr said this morning that his sores look like they could be from bug bites that he reacted differently that you or I would from them.  She's got him on a pretty strong steriod cream for 2 weeks.  Hopefully it works.



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