Tuesday Roll Call

Open RNY May 7
Good morning Chris and my fellow Illinois friends. Well, today is day 2 of our 3 day accreditation survey at the hospital. I was there until 5 pm and put in an 11 hour day. I was so pooped! In the midst of all of this, I had to call my PS office to secure my surgery date as I wanted a Saturday in November so that I could have the surgery in his surgicenter a****ertower Place. I was able to get it... November 10th is my day!
So, here I am at work waiting for the surveyors to show up... after today it is all downhill.
Wishing everyone a wonderful Tuesday.
Hi Chris and the IL Board, I am getting ready to leave for work. I love this weather, this is my favorite time of the year. I am sorry the clouds make you feel yucky. Have you ever considered one of those lamps that give you that simulate sunlight ? They seem to work great for people. I will have to put shoes on, lol that is one thing I don't like when it gets cooler out. I have tons going on at work and need to make some doc appointments and me time. I hope work slows for you and you get a moments peace for you. Everyone have a great day and please observe a moment of reflection for all of the victims of 9/11 as today is the 6th anniversary.
Regards, Mary
Open RNY May 7

Open RNY May 7
The group was pretty good, but no, they do not have a web site where you can get downloads. They do have a web site for general information and they have a message board where we can get support and talk to each other moderated by one of the doctors. At each support group, they have a file where you can get hand outs from previous groups that you may have missed, but last night there was no hand out.
It rained all the way up there and I thought Amber was going to have a heart attack a couple of times, but we arrived safely and the drive home was mostly dry. It was 11 pm by the time I got back to Rock City, and that is WAY past my bed time .
Good Morning IL~ This day 5 years ago was the worst for the world, but one of the happiest days for me. I was employed at American Airlines. I started in 1995. I was on maternity leave, because I was pregnant w/ Maddie. I had a VERY difficult pregnecy. I had low progestrone and bled alot of the time! The doctor said I had a 95% chance of a miscarriage. That's only 5% chance of carryind her to full term!!!! Up until then, the doctor and I could not hear her heart beat. (8weeks) The doctor ordered an ultrasound to be done on Sept 11th. If we did not hear a heart beat, we knew that it was going to be a failed pregnancy and the doctor wanted to schedual a DNC.
The whole day I would keep on seeing the footage over and over. Alot of friend called to say they were okay and say that their flights got diverted. But...on Sept 11th at 10:00am we heard my daughters heart beat!!! At the end of Oct I was able to fly to ground zero and pay tribute to the 17 crew members that lost there lives on 9/11. You could still smell the burning flesh and the jet fuel. Because we were crew members we were able to visit the platform that Pres. Bush stood on to see ground zero. I will bring pictures on Sept23rd. Very touching!!!! Everything changed after 9/11!! Before 9/11 we had make sure our lipstick matched our nail polish, now we have to make sure we had our ziplock handcuffs and remember where the airmarshalls were sitting!!! Lets say that I opened my eyes and did some real soul searching and made a decision that my family came first to me and my husband had a chance to further his carrier, so I resigned in 2004, and have NEVER regreted my decision once!!!! SOrry to bore you w/ this long story, but Police Officers and Fire Fighters really steped up that day! If you see a officer or fire fighter today, Thank them for what they do day in and day out! It's not only hard on them, but it's hard on the family not knowing if they will come home at the end of the day!!!!! God Bless, Kim