Before you book your tickets you really should ask your doctor. I wanted to go on vacation a couple of weeks after my surgery and my doctor said no to flying. When you fly you the change in cabin pressure greatly increases your chances of blood clots.
I would imagine that the people that have surgery over seas have to stay there for a few weeks. I could be wrong but I would honestly ask before you book the tickets.
I have a friend who's father ended up in ICU and almost died because he flew to soon after surgery. This is not something I would mess with. JMHO
I agree with the other posters. I went back to work two weeks after my surgery and flew the same week to Portland, OR for work. I walked and walked and used the breathing thingie to make sure my lungs were clear and so on. I did wear support hose on the flight and walked during the flight.
Check with the surgeon who would need to clear you.