Roll Call - Happy Friday

Christina, good to see you and Calvin also last night. Sorry that we had to dash out so fast last night. We made it to my co-workers retirement party while it still was pretty much in full swing and got to talk with a lot of people that we all started working together back in the late 70's, it was a blast from the past. Dave and I are really sorry that we cannot make it to the walk this year as we will leave next Friday morning for the Dells for the festival weekend that we have been going to for the last several years. Last year the walk was so much fun. I met up with Lucy and **Willow** from this board and some others that I have met at other support groups. Not much going on today but Saturday and Sunday are full for us. I will go with Dave to his doctor's pre surg seminar and do the "climb into the big shorts routine" with him. For those of you that do not know what I am talking about - Dave has a pair of size 60 shorts that he used to "paint" onto him before his WLS and we both can now get into a leg of the shorts, button and zip them up. Sunday we have friends coming over to the house with their 3 little ones and before they get here I still have to finish child proofing my house. Also minor house keeping things need to be done. Need to fly to work, have a great day all. Chris
Open RNY May 7
Good Morning, I am off work today and next Friday. Not that I am not working. I have loads of things that have toget done.
Christina, If the weather turns, and you don't have anything doing while you are at Starved Rock, give me a call and I can come over to meet you. I always have time for a chat or visit
( 815 257-5453)
Everyone have a good weekend, don't forget to make time for yourself.
Good Morning everyone! Congratulations to those with approvals and dates! It is SO exciting!
I am working today and we have been pretty busy, so if you don't hear any more from me today, I have been sucked in by the work monster. Tonight, David has a home football game and we are going to open the lemonade stand during the game. Although, I don't know how well we will do with all the rain.....
Tomorrow, I have planned an impropmtu birthday party for my grandson Devon at Happy Joe's. He will be 9 next Wednesday, but Amber and Phil will not see him next week. David has a parade in the morning, then we will head into Rockford for the party. We are going to take him to LaserQuest after we eat. Sunday, we are getting together with the neighbors to paint the quilt squares for the other neighbor's new baby. We will be giving him a shower on the 22nd.
I am looking forward to the 23rd!
Everyone have a lovely day and weekend if I don't get a chance to stop bac****il Monday......