Starting to date again
Hey Ladies,
I have a question you should be able to help me with.
I have a profile on Yahoo personals. A few weeks ago I was contacted by a woman looking to chat.
She is a school teacher and I am sure real busy with schoool just starting. Last week we exchanged email address so we could chat outside of the personal area. I sent her an email last Tuesday and didn't hear back from her. I went away last weekend and decided to send her another email just checking to see if she got the email. SHe replied that she didn't and to send it again. I did so and still n reply. When she asked me to resend the original email she said that she hoped that someone else didn't catch my eye in the meantime. I would figure that she has some interest in meeting.
It has been 2 years since I dated last and really haven't dated all that much in my life. I am now at a point in my life that I would like to find someone and start a family someday.
Now that I have lost 75 pounds since my surgery I feel better about myself.
Should I contact her again or should I just let her make the next move?
Like I said before she made the first move to break the ice with me. I would like to get to know here more but I don't want to seem to pushy or desperate.
What should I do next?
I trust that my brothers and sistes in this journey we call WLS will give me the right answer.
Thanks in advance
Hey Mike,
I think you should send the e-mail again and ask her if she would like to get together for coffee or something. The whole "coffee" line is much more casual than dinner. If she doen't respond to that, I think it's time to start chatting else where!!!! Good luck. Maybe others on here will give you other advise. I haven't dated in 13 years. I've been married for 8. Congrats on the weight loss!
I agree, send the email again with maybe an extra note about meeting for coffee or somthing very informal. Give it a couple days though for a response--waiting is hard, believe me I know, I was on yahoo personals for a while too trying to find someone--if she doesnt respond in a few days I would start looking at more options.
Congratulations on your weight loss, I hope to start losing more soon!
I am just wondering if you might have gotten one letter or number wrong in her email addie and that is why she never got the original emails or maybe she has a filter on her account that will not accept emails from strangers. If you got everything correct then maybe she is 1. a procrastinator and does not respond real fast and forgot you, 2. not interested or 3 really, really busy with work. I would say probably number 3 because this is the time that the teachers meet with the parents right after school starts and she might be bogged down with that at school this week.
Take care,
Open RNY May 7