Wednesday Roll Call

Open RNY May 7
I guess I will bring up the rear of the Wed Roll Call. This is the beginning of HeXX month at work September and November are the worst 8 weeks of the year,and this year the state decided to rewrite out entire computer program. It is slow, slow and slower, so what was taking 10 min, per person, now is taking 20 to 25 Not at all productive. Tomorrow I have a new helper, heres hoping she doesn't decide to quit the first day! I will come on when I am able to.
Christina, I live only about 25 min, from Starved Rock. I drove past it today. amd it looks like the colors are starting to change. That may be wishful thinking, but then, along the river it does change a bit faster. Try to drive over to Utica, its only a couple of miles north of the park. They have some cute shops.
Everyone have a nice night. Lisa