I got it
Revision on 07/25/18
Hey all,
I know I haven't been on much but I've been sooo busy but I got my approval letter today from my insurance company!!! I am so excited; now I'm waiting to here from the doctor's office but I had to tell you all.
Melissa M
Restarting my journey to be healthy and thin
Revision on 07/25/18
Thank you so much Christina,
I wasn't expecting to see that in my mail today
Melissa M
Restarting my journey to be healthy and thin
Revision on 07/25/18
Amboy is out by Dixon and not to far away from Rochelle; I'm sorry but I won't be able to make it; my daughter is going through her teenage woos and she has a counseling appt for that day., sorry. Hopefully the next one I'll be able to come too.
Melissa M
Restarting my journey to be healthy and thin
Revision on 07/25/18
Thank you all for the congrats; I do appreciate it
Melissa M
Restarting my journey to be healthy and thin
Revision on 07/25/18
Got a call from the Doctor's office; now I must fax the paperwork to them because they haven't recieved it yet and then I have to wait to hear from the nurse which can take about a week.
Melissa M
Restarting my journey to be healthy and thin