Tuesday Roll Call
Good Morning Everyone! I am not doing to much today. I am thinking about going back to bed and then going to the mall later w/ hubby! This is the first time in a long time that we will have the day to our selfs!
Sat. my Mom, Maddie and I went down town Chicago and saw High School Musical on tour. WOW!!! It was awesome! What talent thos kids have! Then we ate at a real good italian place called "Italian Village". What great memories w/ my mom and Maddie! My gaol while I'm off of work for 2 months is to get current w/ Maddies scrapbook. I only have the first year done. Only four more years to do.LOL
Lucy, I am sooo jealous that you got to go to the pool.. Our pool closed Aug 19th. What bull!!! I had a good tan going on, but it's fading now! I'm thinking about going to the tanning beds! Has anyone gotten the spray tanned on them? Fat looks so much better tan!!!! hahah Well....actually I think tan looks good all the time! I hope I hear from Maggie this week. She didn't sound confident about the approval! I gained three pound on the supervised diet. BUT...I lost 4 pound one monthe then gained and yoyoed like usual. I guess it's in Gods hands now!
Dee, if I get approved I will be going to Applebees and ordering a "MUCHO" drink! HAHAH I'm not much of a drinker, but I do enjoy a nice starawberry daquari or margarita!!!!! (mucho that is) Better get going and see what Ryan wants to do! Kim
Hi Kim. I've done the spray tan thing. I do like it. It's so easy and looks good for about a week. You have to avoid showering for a couple of hours when you get sprayed. I've also done the tanning booth as well. That feels so good on a cold and snowy day!
Our pool is open during the week from 3 to 9 pm and on the weekends from 11 to 10 pm, weather permitting through the end of September. I love that! It sure doesn't hurt to be a board member and officer as well. I love summer!
Have a good and warm day!
Hi Kim.. I bet you, your mom and Maddie had a great time at the musical. I did the spray tan the day of my bridal shower a few years back. I really liked it and I feel so much better w/ some color.
Enjoy your time off and have fun w/ Ryan today. About those work pants.... are they petite or regular length? I bought three pairs of 20's about three weeks ago and they are already getting baggy. I'm glad but man, it does get expensive. I heard Layne Bryant has a new line of jeans. A girlfriend of mine told me she wears a size 4 which would be equal to like a size 22. Crack me up!
Try not to worry about the approval. Like you already know, "it's in Gods hands".
Have a great day! Christina
good morning all!
We had a pretty wonderful weekend.
We had Riley over since Friday night and Todd took her home this morning on his way to work. Her mom got a bad case of the stomach flu and we didn't want to get the baby sick.
We took her to an outdoor party on Saturday night and she was the "belle of the ball".
We had the tie dye party on Saturday and it was a blast! I still have dye on my feet and hands. I will post some pictures of our creations as soon as I get a chance and let you know when they are up. It is always good to spend time with friends.
Yesterday, we dyed a few more things with a couple of neighbors that could not make it on Sunday. We also cleaned up from the night before and grilled out with the neighbors. Riley developed a runny nose, so she was a tiny bit cranky by bedtime. I think she is catching a cold. I feel bad for my daughter since she is still recovering and now will have a baby with a cold.
Today, It is back to the grindstone here at work. Got to get caught up with everything, including the posts here (in between work of course.....)!
Have a lovely day!
Open RNY May 7