I am back, and did something STUPID!!
Oh my goodness!!!!! I was just going to post about my experience Saturday night/Sunday morning when I read your post. Maybe it was in the air or something this weekend!!!
Saturday, at the party, I had a couple of drinks (vodka and water---so no sugar) throughout the evening. I don't drink much either, but when I do, it has varied effects. Sometimes, half a drink will go straight to my head immediately, but the "buzz" wears off in about an hour. Sometimes, it doesn't seem to really effect me at all.
Saturday night, it wasn't until we were on our way home and I felt extremely intoxicated. (Todd was the designated driver for Riley and I.) I commented on it to him how I could not belive how I was feeling.
Shortly after we got home, I was like a teenager after their first drink. I was WASTED and then I thought I would be sick. (I have not thrown up since surgery, even when I thought for sure that I would.....perhaps my "puker" is broken?) I finaly went to sleep and figured that I had nothing to worry about since the effects usually leave within a couple of hours..........WRONG!!!! 7 hours later, when I woke up, the room was spinning and I felt just as bad, still thinking I would be sick and unable to be. I finally took some anti-nausea medicine, went back to sleep for a couple more hours and when I woke the second time, I felt almost human. After a bath and my protein and vitamins, I was able to get in gear and get ready for the party I was giving on Sunday.
Needless to say, I am with you and will NOT be drinking again any time soon.
Anyway, just wanted to let you know that you were not alone, and maybe it WAS the moon......
Have a lovely day!