I love life no matter what part 3
Thank u all for your warm wishes and encouragement. This has been the worst wekend of my life. As i told u guys before my cousins twins died last week.She died a few days later.we were told it was due to heart problems.She was to have surgery the day she died. I reside in GA and my home town is New york.I will be flying out this week. But guys that is NOT the WORST of it another cousin of mine died this morning at 5 am due to lung problems.both of these deaths were unexpected. they were fine before. nothing to lead up to this at all!my female cousin was 34.my male cousin 31. we are a close family. these are not distant cousins. I mean these were people i spoke with on a normal basis. we are all close. we all grew up together. i just saw them in may.i can't take much more! we lost him not even 24hrs. later.my family is devasted. we have lost 4 pepole in a week.we have never gone through anything like this before.i haven't slept in 2 days. my heart is broken. i can't eat i can't sleep. I am an emotional wreck. I can't bare it. thanks for listening. please pray for my family. PLEASE.