Chicago here I come!!

Dr. Frantzides does look like a possibility since he is located pretty much right in between the city and where I will be working. I will give his office a call. Thanks for the info!
I would however like to find a surgeon that primarily does more Lap-Bands than Gastric procedures, just because that is how the surgeon is that I see here in Phoenix. But if I can't, oh well.
Thanks again!!

Dr. F does do quite a bit of Lap Band procedures. He offered both to me, but after he explained the risks and benefits of both, I decided that Gastric Bypass would probably be the best option for me. He explains it much better, but over in Europe they have been using the banding procedure longer and he also does surgery over there. He has beeen doing alot of surgeries to help people in both the US and Europe where the banding procedure has had more negative effects. Either way, he is an awsome doctor and his staff is just as great. I highly reccomend him!!!!
Hi there - Welcome to the IL board. My siser lives in AZ.. What a change of pace Chicago will be for you!
I highly recommend my surgeon depending upon where you land. He is wonderful and quite a few of us on the IL board see him.
LifeWeigh Bariatrics Jeffrey Rosen and he is in Downers Grove, IL. if you scroll down to the bottom of the IL board, you'll see his little ad that says click hear. You can take a look at the website and get more info. They also have a great monthly support group meeting that I feel is one of the most important parts of this journey. To be successfull, you have to have a strong support system. It's going to be even more important with you moving to a new stay to stay focused. Are you coming by yourself or bringing family? We are having a get together on the 23rd if your in town by then, we would love to meet you. Otherwise, maybe we can get together once you settle.
Take care,
Open RNY May 7
Thanks for all the help! Can't wait to get there!