Sunday Roll Call
Good Morning Everyone on the Illinois Board, If you are a regular here, or just a visitor, welcome to Sunday Roll Call. Not sure what everyone has planned for the first Sunday in September, but I am going to a BBq at my daughters house in Bloomington, Illinois. I have already gotten deviled eggs and potatoe salad made. Now, when DH gets off of work about one, we will head down there. I do have some help this morning, My nine year old granddaugher decided to spend the night. For anyone traveling today, stay safe and watch where you are doing. If you are staying home, enjoy this day. Come in and share your day with us. Lisa
Happy sunday to all!! Well today Maddie and I are going to church and then just chillen around the house. It's going to be a beautiful day, so I might work out side and plant some mums. Yesterday we had the time of our lifes! My mom,Maddie and I went down town Chicago and went to see "HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL" broadway play. Today is there last day in chicago and then they are off to Toronto Canada. It was every penny worth it!!! Maddie got some autographs and I got some awesome pictures of her w/ the actors!!! Then we took a free trolly ride to Navy Pier. We ended the night at eating at the Italian Village. I feel so blessed to have such a great mom to share such memories w/!!!!
As of Friday I am off of work for 2 months. The kids I babysitt for, their mom is having a baby on Wed, so she is on Maternity leave. With Maddie at school, I'm not going to know what to do w/ my time!
Everyone have a great weekend and be safe!!! Kim