Happy Surgiversary Christina!!!!!!
Thanks Dawn..
How sweet of you to remember my special day. It has been an amazing year. I've been trully blessed in so many ways. I have lost my old friend (food) and I have gained so many new friends.
I did not think I would get emotional but I'm starting to tear up. I can do so many things that I would have never dreamed of doing a year ago. I was sitting on the floor indian style this morning putting some barcoding on new equipment at work and was amazed at how comfortable I was and how easy it was for me to get back up. It would have taken a crain to get me back up a year ago.
For those of you just starting this journey..... hold on tight beause you're in for the ride of your life. Those post op, keep pluggin along and enjoy those WOW moments and pat yourself on the back from time to time. We've all come a long way baby!
Thank you all for your continued support. I can not stress the importance of having a strong support system. It makes all the difference in the world and keep me accountable.
Take care,
Open RNY May 7
Hi Chris -
Tell your sis I said "Happy Birthday" I requested the 23rd off and have all the intentions of being at the get together (God Willing). I will see if Calvin can work something out with his schedule. I know he would enjoy hanging out with the guys.
Nothing special going on tonight. I'm actually still working my day job. I had my appointment with Dr. R. today. I just get the warm & fuzzies when I go see the gang. What a great group of people. I'll try to post some new pictures when I get home tonight. I had Barb take a picture of me & Dr. R.
I sure do miss Jeannine. I think about her all the time and wish I had a way to reach out to her. I'm glad you made it back support group last year too. You have been such a huge part of my journey. I'll say it again, "I've been blessed" in so many ways.
Thanks again for your support. Christina