I love life -No matter what
(((HUGS))) Oh, sweetie, God wanted those two special babies home with Him. Your cousin can ask the Lord when she meets Him why He called them home to Him. I know that is not a concillation to her but that is all I have to offer at this time. That is coming from a person that is awed by the mystery of a great God and my Lord and Savior.
Open RNY May 7
I'm so sorry to hear about the babies.. Truly a sad, sad time.
Thank you for reminding me to keep my gratitude list in check. Sometimes we do feel like we are at our lowest but I always have so many things to be grateful for. Life is what you make of it. Is the cup 1/2 full or 1/2 empty? You're right... when I hear what other people are going thru it makes me realize that things could be so much worse.
May "HE" give you and your family comfort at this difficult time. Christina