Tuesday Roll Call

Open RNY May 7
Good morning Christine, Dee and all of Illinois! I'm going to work all day, and I am on the hunt for size 13 1/2 football cleats for David. If he keeps growing, I will have to get his shoes from mail order! Oh well, I knew when I married Todd that our kids would probably be big like him. All my kids are going to be bigger than me. Amber and David passed me up a long time ago, and Olivia is just about my height at 11. Her feet have passed mine, which is cool because I get her hand-me-up shoes! I am thinking of having a "Back-to-School Tie Dye" party on Sunday, so I need to get the official invites out today. I would have done it sooner, but Todd was thinking of taking the kids to Great America this weekend. That's about it for me today.....
Everyone have a lovely day!
Good morning! I have had similar problems and have read that many have "different" experiences with the monthly after WLS. It has to do with the fact that estrogen is stored in fat, and as we lose the fat, the estrogen had no where to go. It is bouncing around like crazy making US crazy!
I was pretty much fine until 7-8 months out when things went nuts! I never really had PMS before and that month, I think I had it for 10 days. I was seriously worried that I might hurt someone. It seemed to smooth out the next month and the next, but this month, it was back! I had horrible crankiness for 3-4 days last week, then horrible cramps (enough to make me cry) yesterday with a heavy flow.
The good news is that eventually, the hormones will stop raging. At least for you......I am getting old enough that I am peri-menepausal, and it may not straighten out for a long time for me. My husband is THRILLED!!!! (NOT!!!!)
Hang in there, things will get better!
Good Morning Christine, Dee, and Monica, and the rest of the Illinois board. It is a beautiful late August morning, heres hoping the weather stays for the holiday weekend coming up. Yesterday I had to go to our main office in Rock Falls for computer training.Today, its back in the office. Friday, back to Rock Falls for more training. I have plans with my daughters, to drive to Madison, Wi on Saturday. They have a great farmers market around the court house. It will take a couple of hours to walk around it. This is an annual road trip that we mostly plan on doing on Labor Day Weekend. Then Sunday, we will be drving down to Bloomington for our daughters BBQ. I think we will be home on Labor Day itself. But, then again....... How does everyone elses weekend looking?
Lisa, neat tradition going to Madison for the farmer's market. By the way it is the state capitol, not court house. There is a neat used book store if you are into that on the south side of the capitol building right across the street. Also a bunch of boutiques down State Street, but you probably know about these if it is an annual trip for you. There are also some really good restaurants near the square also. One is Tourenado's and Blue Marlin. One is steak and one is fi****hink you can figure it out.
Open RNY May 7