Does any one know what kind of bees will make their homes in the ground? We were mowing yesterday and there is a small sink hole in the yard and the grass was a little taller then usual due to all the rain. Well when we took the mower over the area the bees came out and started to swarm us, even chased us in to the house where we had to kill a few. We got stung 2 times. I put a bug bomb over the hole but the bees are still there. My grandson got stung 2 times over the weekend before we knew the bees were there. So now I need to get the bug man out to get rid of them. I was just wondering ifany one knew what kind live in the ground?
Gasoline is not environmentally safe.. Please don't try it. Plus if it's too close to your house, you may not have a house if you chose to use gasoline. You may want to google.. I found some interesting info. Here is a website that may be helpful.. But the bottom line is a professional probably needs to be called.
Good Luck, Christina
Open RNY May 7