Friday Roll Call
Jimny Crickets I hear it raining again, when is it going to stop? I can hear the rain in my house when it comes down on the exhaust vent cover for the stove hood. I won't go into what happened around my place last night - I replied in Pam S's post about what happened around me. You will need to go read it there. (kid's song - RAIN, RAIN GO AWAY COME BACK ANOTHER DAY - WE ALL WANT TO GO OUT AND PLAY, sorry changed the lyrics a little)
Well, good morning everyone.
Everyone just think happy thoughts and lets blow some of this weather down to southern IL and IN because they are parched.
Well, well someone came home the hospital last night, WOOHOO!
Janet, you go girl. We all knew you were a fighter. But of course the nurses are probably missing your humor. Lisa was cleared by Dr Doom, another WOOHOO! We have others that are waiting on going to their consult date, Kimberly that is. Christina's Calvin is in the practice diet stage and making all the apts to go to, plus starting early on learning the life style changes. Now, we are missing some members that have not checked in lately and some that are out of state on vacation. Keep them in your thoughts and prayers. Their lives are so full right now with work and other things.
Come on in and tell us what you are doing today.
I have a luncheon for one of my fellow co-workers. He has decided to move on to another job after 24 years. One part of me is a little jealous with him leaving but I know what I need to do with me staying at the PD
at least one more year so I can get my medical insurance at 55. I can hold out because having stable insurance is a biggie in this day and age.
Well, take care all,
Open RNY May 7
Sorry to be the bad guy that delivers bad news......there's more rain coming! And I'm sure there will be a storm or 2! So if anyone needs my assistance just yell and I'll swim over to ya and pull you out! Has there been anything space shuttles lately going or coming? seems when ever that is happening ....we get heavy weather, floods, hurricanes,and or tornados! even blizzards! check it out some time! people fooling around in space isn't good for us! Well.......stay dry Illinois! Pam
Open RNY May 7
Good morning Christine and Pam. Boy, it's been a crazy week with the weather and work. I'm just glad it's weekend time . This summer has not been the best. Looking back, I haven't been to the pool that much... Now in a short time it's going to close. I like the fall but knowing what is coming afterwards and the long, dark winter is so depressing!
I went on my job interview yesterday. This time I think that I'm not interested in the job. At first it sounded good but then they added some responsibilities I'm not keen on plus the fact that I would have to work some weekends.. well, that was it. They also told me that vacation time was only two weeks; now I have 4 weeks.. I don't think I want to give all that up. The commute would be another down factor. So if they call me for a second interview, I think I will decline at this point. Why should I go into a worse pot of fire?
Not much going on with the dating scene. I'm trying to focus on myself and better health. I need to lose some pounds that I gained in the last 2 1/2 months. I can feel it and see it too. Time for me to get busy with me! Next month I need to see a number of doctors for my yearly check-up plus see my WLS surgeon about my iron levels. I am also looking into my next phase of plastic surgery, my face! I'm hoping to have that done in November. So I must get busy with myself and get back to basics. I've been soooo bad with my food choices and drinking with meals. That was something I would never have done a year ago. I haven't been on the boards much for two reasons: My job and feeling so bad about myself. I know that I am not a failure but right now I feel like one. I'm going to take this one day at a time and will post here on my progress.
I am happy to hear that Janet is out of the hospital and home. I know that a lot of things have been happening here, and my thoughts and prayers are with everyone!
Have a good and somewhat dry day!
Hugs and Love,