Hi, honies, I'm home.
Just got home in time for the sirens to go off-What fun! Into the tub w/the pooch! Thank you ALL for your prayers and good wishes. I am truly humbled and grateful for such good friends. The infection is gone but I still have a nice hole in my gut and the pocket of fluid is still where my Gall Bladder was, so until my body re-absorbs that I will still be in pain. I will have home nurses coming out to change dressings and make sure the pit is closing. I guess patience is my new middle name. Back to the couch, napping is what I do best. Hugs to all-Janet
Revision on 04/19/13

BTW, I seen Dr. Doom today, he gave me my clearance and the Kane Center already has it. Weather be darn, the electronic fax machine is up and running.
Hi Janet -
That was some storm yesterday. Wow. I hope you did not lose power. I know all of Wheaton was without. I had to work last night and can you believe they made me sit at that darn place from 5 - 8 w/out power. I was not a happy camper. They were w/out power as of 3 yesterday afternoon.
I'm so glad you got to come home. Yahoo. Don't over do it! You stay on that couch and let everyone else take care of you! That's an order!
Call me if you need anything,
Oh Janet, I am so sorry to hear about your hospitalization and hole in the gut (so to speak)! Even though I haven't posted, you've been in my thoughts and prayers.
Thank goodness for Christina who came to visit you! Hope you are on the mend. I know what it is like to have a hole in the gut. I had that years ago when I got a deep infection after my appendectomy. It was horrible.
Rest my dear friend!